Principal Message

Shri. Rakesh Singh Choudhary

Dear Parents
We have come through a very challenging time. The pandemic set an unprecedented scenario for the teaching and learning processes. Despite the constraints of the trying times, we have satisfactorily looked after our obligation with your valuable support and cooperation. Thanks for doing your best in the face of situational hike in the parental responsibility and care.

Though forced to stay more at home with children, you have had the opportunity to play teacher, guide and facilitator for your child. Sharing your own learning and experiences you must have given your child the confidence vital for facing future challenges. In this way you joined hands with school to educate your child not only to help him / her in the process of obtaining knowledge for a future job but also to provide an understanding of moral and ethical values important towards turning a human resource into useful citizen of the country.

To be successful, we need self-discipline which teaches us to sacrifice individual interests in favour of group interest. Our children represent our hopes and dreams. As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face future challenges.

Teach your child to respect elders and teachers. Also spur him / her to be disciplined and abide by the rules and regulations of the school. Make sure that your child attends school in neat and proper uniform. School being the second home, the child must be asked to value and regard the school property as own. The parents and school together can instill proper discipline and basic values in the children while preparing them academically to build a brilliant career.

Responsible and committed parents keep themselves informed about the school activities and daily progress of their children. Do spare some time on regular basis to enquire your child about the day's events at school. Communication, once in a while, should also be made with the teachers to procure the status report of your child.

We always look forward to your valuable suggestions for the betterment of our endeavours. As an active and conscious set of students makes a better teacher out of a teacher, so also, an awake, aware and concerned body of parents makes vital contribution towards advancement of a school.